Switch Tube web service API

This document explains how you can use the Switch Tube web service API to automate interaction with Switch Tube.

Accessing the web service

Just as on the regular Switch Tube website, most requests to the web service are performed on behalf of an authenticated profile. When we refer to you or your in the documentation below, we mean the currently authenticated profile.

All requests to the service are performed over HTTPS using an access token in the headers. For optimal throughput to the service we recommend using up to 3 parallel keep-alive connections to send the requests.

The web service is intended for server-to-server usage only. Do not attempt to use the web service from a web browser or from any other type of client-side application.

Please be gentle with the servers because hammering the web service will also decrease performance of the website. Keep an eye on netstat or similar tools to make sure you don’t accidentally keep hundreds of connections open and starve the servers.

The base URL for all requests is https://tube.switch.ch.

Payloads for both requests and responses will generally be encoded as JSON, unless specified differently.


Switch Tube requires text to be encoded as UTF-8 in requests and will use the same in responses. The response headers will reflect this fact by specifying a charset.


Time in payloads is expressed according to the ISO 8601 W3C profile as defined in https://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime. We recommend using standard libraries to parse and convert this time to local time for your end-users.


Getting an access token

You can manage access tokens for a profile by navigating to your profile page and then opening the access tokens tab. Follow instructions on that page to create a new access token.

In the examples below we use the fake value d4e650 for the access token. Real tokens will be longer but we use a short example for brevity.

Access tokens will automatically expire when they are not used at least once every 60 days. This reduces the chance of leaking an access token through an unused drive or server. We recommend creating separate access tokens for every machine that accesses the API if possible.

Make sure to keep the access token secret and to never store or use it in an untrusted environment.

Using the access token

To perform an authenticated request you must add the authentication token to an Authorization header with each request. Prefix the token value with Token to indicate you will be using a token.

GET /api/v1/profiles/me
Host: tube.switch.ch
Accept: application/json, */*
Authorization: Token d4e650

You can quickly test this with curl.

curl -i -H "Authorization: Token d4e650" \

In the examples below we will leave out these details for brevity.


When a request was successful you can expect a 200 OK response status or a 201 Created response status when you attempted to create something. In general the response body will be either JSON or empty. When something went wrong you may receive one of the responses below. Error responses may also contain a JSON body with details about what went wrong.

When something goes wrong you may receive an HTTP response in the 400-499 or 500-599 range. A 4xx response means you must not immediately retry the request and the request probably requires a change before retrying. A 5xx response means something went wrong in Switch Tube and the issue may be intermittent so you can attempt to retry the same request.

Validation errors

When receiving a 422 Unprocessable Entity response you will receive a JSON encoded response body that explains which properties of the resource you were trying to create or update were wrong. For example, creating a channel requires a name:


In some cases this may also include the original value or other details:


Read the linked JSON schemas to know in advance which properties are required, need a specific value, or only work with strict formatting.


Channels, videos, and some other objects contain a path property. This is a path relative to the website, for example:


In order to create a valid URL, you prepend base URL of the website:


In case of videos you can add a timestamp to point to a specific time code:



A profile contains the personal information supplied by edu-ID or AAI when the user signs in. It also holds some settings like their preferred user interface locale.

Details about the authenticated profile

You can fetch the profile associated the access token used in the request:

GET /api/v1/profiles/me

It will return the details for your profile:


Profiles contain information received from SWITCHaai so a person’s name is split into first and last name. We assume that you can concatenate them to get their full name.

See the documentation for avatars below for a description of the avatar specific properties.

Full profile schema

Details about other profiles

You can fetch details about any profile by their numeric id. You will find references to profiles in a lot of objects, for example: videos and channels.

GET /api/v1/profiles/97

The response will be the same as for your own profile. You can also expect a 404 Not Found when the profile id does not exist.

Full profile schema


A channel groups videos with a similar theme or purpose.

Create a new channel

When you create a new channel it will be automatically associated with you and your organization. The only other required property for creating a channel is its name.

POST /api/v1/channels

{"name":"Einführung in die Analysis"}

There are a lot of other properties that allow you to configure the presentation, permissions, and behavior of a channel.

If the request is successful you will receive a 201 Created response with the id and public request path of the created channel.


You can expect a 403 Forbidden response when you are not a video producer.

Video, audio, artwork, and collaborators can be added through their respective endpoints explained below.

Full channel schema

List channels

There are thousands of channels so listing all channels would not be very helpful in most cases. To limit the number of channels you filter by specifying your role in the channel. The default role is owner.

  1. owner: Lists all channels you own.
  2. collaborator: Lists all the channels you can collaborate on (eg. edit and upload media)

The default role is owner so you can perform a request to get all channels you may view like this:

GET /api/v1/channels

Or you can specify collaborator to filter those records by channels you can collaborate on:

GET /api/v1/channels?role=collaborator

If the request is successful you will receive a 200 OK response with a list of channel objects.

  {"id":42,"name":"Einführung in die Analysis", …},
  {"id":43,"name":"Schwarze Wissenschaft", …}

You may get an empty list when there are no channels:


Sometimes someone can collaborate on a channel outside of their organization so the organization_id of a channel doesn’t always have to be the same as the organization_id of the authenticated profile.

Full channel list schema

Fetch channel details

You can find all details for a specific channel:

GET /api/v1/channels/42

If the request is successful you will receive a 200 OK response with a channel object.

{"id":42,"name":"Einführung in die Analysis", …}

You should expect a 404 Not Found response when the channel does not exist or when you don’t have access to it.

Full channel schema

Update a channel

To update channel details you can send the same properties as when creating a channel:

PATCH /api/v1/channels/42

{"name":"Einführung in die Analysis", …}

If the request is successful you will receive a 200 OK response with an empty body.

You should expect a 404 Not Found response when the channel does not exist or when you are not allowed to update it.

Full channel schema

Delete a channel

You can delete a channel and all its associated content:

DELETE /api/v1/channels/42

If the request is successful you will receive a 200 OK response with an empty body. There is no way to recover a channel once it was deleted, so be very careful.

You should expect a 404 Not Found response when the channel does not exist or when you are not allowed to delete it.

Add media to a channel

Creating a new video starts by uploading a video or audio file to Switch Tube. Switch Tube uses the tus protocol for resumable uploads and it supports all protocol extensions.

The protocol is based on HTTP and allows you to either POST the entire file in one go or use PATCH requests to upload a file in segments.

Note that the path for file uploads does not start with /api/v1 like with other API requests.

Upload at once

You can choose to upload an entire file in one HTTP request. This is only recommended when you are uploading smaller files (eg. less than 50 megabytes) or when have a really stable connection to Switch Tube.

POST /files
Content-Length: 7634
Upload-Length: 7634
Tus-Resumable: 1.0.0
Authorization: Token d4e650

«7634 bytes of data»

Your HTTP library will likely set the Content-Length header correctly when you set the body for the request. You will have to make sure to send the correct values for the Upload-Length, Tus-Resumable, and Authorization headers.

Switch Tube will respond with a 201 Created response and a Location header with a URL that represents the newly created upload.

Location: https://tube.switch.ch/files/43ae77

You may receive a 401 Unauthorized, 403 Forbidden, or 500 Internal Server Error. In case of a 500 Internal Server Error you can retry the request, in all other cases you have to change something about the request first. Keep in mind that the connection to the server may close during the request, this is much more likely to happen for a long running request like an upload.

The last segment of the upload url is the upload identifier, in our example that’s 43ae77. Real upload ids will be a lot longer. You will need this upload id to create a video record (see below).

Upload a file in parts

When uploading a file in parts you start by creating the upload. The Content-Length header will have the value 0 because there is no request body. The Upload-Length header should have the length of the entire file in bytes.

POST /files
Content-Length: 0
Upload-Length: 7634
Tus-Resumable: 1.0.0
Authorization: Token d4e650

Your HTTP library will likely set the Content-Length header correctly. You will have to make sure to send the correct values for the Upload-Length, Tus-Resumable, and Authorization headers.

The server will respond with a 201 Created and a Location header with a URL that represents the newly created upload.

Location: https://tube.switch.ch/files/43ae77

You may receive a 401 Unauthorized, 403 Forbidden, or 500 Internal Server Error. In case of a 500 Internal Server Error you can retry the request, in all other cases you have to change something about the request first.

To complete the file you send a series of PATCH requests with segments of the file. You get to decide how big each file segment will be and theoretically they can all be different sizes.

A good starting point for a segment size is how much the current connection can upload in a few seconds. Switch Tube prefers segments of at least a few megabytes.

We recommend 5 megabytes if you don’t know the speed of the connection.

Using the Upload-Offset and Content-Length you can now send a PATCH request with a byte range of the file you are uploading.

It’s important to use exactly the same Content-Type header as shown in the example or the upload will fail. A request will also fail when the Tus-Resumable or Authorization headers are missing.

In the first request the offset is 0 and the content length is 5 megabytes.

PATCH /files/43ae77
Content-Type: application/offset+octet-stream
Content-Length: 5242880
Upload-Offset: 0
Tus-Resumable: 1.0.0
Authorization: Token d4e650

«5242880 bytes of data»

You can expect the same responses as for the initial create request. When you get an error or when the connection drops during the upload you will have to retry the segment before continuing.

In the second request the offset is 5 megabytes and the content length is again 5 megabytes.

PATCH /files/43ae77
Content-Type: application/offset+octet-stream
Content-Length: 5242880
Upload-Offset: 5242880
Tus-Resumable: 1.0.0
Authorization: Token d4e650

«5242880 bytes of data»

Each segment has to be immediately adjacent to the previous one, so when you send an invalid offset you can expect a 409 Conflict response. In that case you can always perform a HEAD request to query the correct offset from the server.

HEAD /files/43ae77

The server will respond with an empty body and the current offset in the headers:

Upload-Offset: 5242880

Keep going until the file is completely uploaded. The last segment will likely be smaller that 5 megabytes, so make sure you compute and send the correct content length.

If you want to upload segments in parallel you will have to use the concatenation extension in the tus protocol documentation.

The last segment of the upload url is the upload identifier, in our example that’s 43ae77. Real upload ids will be a lot longer. You will need this upload id to create a video record (see below).

After completing the upload

In order to create a video you will need a channel identifier and the upload identifier you stored while uploading the file.

POST /api/v1/videos

When creating the video you can optionally send all additional properties specified in the video schema.

POST /api/v1/videos
  "title":"Stochastische Variabelen",

You will receive a 201 Created response with the id of the created video and their public path:


After creating the video the upload will be placed in the media processing queue to prepare it for use on the web.

A video will be published when it has a valid title, the upload was processed, and the published property is set. The video will automatically publish after processing when you set title and published during creation.

Videos have a number of properties like abstract and episode which allow you to change how the video is presented to the viewer. Note that all access permissions are always configured on the channel. You can set video properties when creating the video or later by updating the video. For a full explanation of the video properties see the schema or the update section below.

Full video schema

The process for publishing an audio recording is the same, just replace the video by an audio file.

Media processing progress

At any time you can fetch information about the current processing progress for a video based on their id:

GET /api/v1/videos/83/progress

When successful it will return a 200 OK with progress details:


You should expect a 404 Not Found when the video does not exist or when you are not allowed to access it.

These are all possible processing statuses:

The statuses failed, stopped and completed can be considered as final; the status should no longer change.

Full progress schema


The collaborator feature allows you to give a small group of people access to a channel. For example when you are working on a research project with sensitive video that may not be viewed by the entire organization.

List collaborators for a channel

The collaborator object is used for both active collaborators and collaborator invitations. An active collaborator will have their profile_id set. A collaborator invitation will have the email property set, but not the profile_id.

GET /api/v1/channels/42/collaborators


Full collaborator list schema

Create an active collaborator for a channel

When you know the profile id of someone you can use it to add them as a collaborator.

POST /api/v1/channels/42/collaborators


If the request is successful you will receive a 201 Created response with the id the created collaborator.


You can expect a 404 Not Found response when you are not allowed to add collaborators to the channel.

It’s also possible to get a 422 Unprocessable Entity when you leave out the profile_id or permissions properties.

The new collaborator will receive an e-mail to explain that they are added to the channel.

Update active collaborator’s permissions on a channel

When you know the profile id of a someone and you want to ensure that they have a certain permission level you can use the same request as when you add a collaborator.

POST /api/v1/channels/42/collaborators


If the request is successful you will receive a 200 OK response with the id the updated collaborator.


The difference between creating and updating a permission is the response status code.

Create collaborator invitation for a channel

When you don’t know the profile id of someone you want to add as a collaborator you can send them an invitation using their e-mail address.

The e-mail address does not have to be the same as the e-mail address of their profile on Switch Tube.

POST /api/v1/channels/42/collaborators


You can expect a 404 Not Found response when you are not allowed to add collaborators to the channel.

It’s also possible to get a 422 Unprocessable Entity when you leave out the email or permissions properties.

The new collaborator will receive an e-mail to ask them to accept the invitation. After accepting the invitation they can access the channel with the permissions you configured.

Update collaborator invitation’s permissions for a channel

If you want to change the permission level for a collaborator invitation you can perform the same request as when creating the invitation.

POST /api/v1/channels/42/collaborators


If the request is successful you will receive a 200 OK response with the id the updated collaborator.


After updating we don’t send the invitation e-mail. If you want to resend an invitation you have to delete the collaborator invitation and re-create it.

Delete a collaborator from a channel

You can delete a collaborator from a channel by its id. Note that this is the collaborator id and not the profile id.

DELETE /api/v1/collaborators/77

If the request is successful you will receive a 200 OK response with an empty body.

You should expect a 404 Not Found response when the collaborator does not exist or when you are not allowed to delete it.


Artwork is a square image that is mostly used in the podcast feed but may also be used on the website in the future to identify a channel. Artwork is always public because it has to be served with a public podcast feed.

Add artwork to a channel

Uploading artwork works similar to adding media to a channel. You start by uploading a file and parsing the upload id from the Location header in the response. Then you use the upload id and a channel id to add the artwork to the channel:

POST /api/v1/artworks


You will receive a 201 Created response with the id of the created artwork and their path:


You can expect a 400 Bad Request with a warning label incomplete-upload when you attempt to create an artwork before completing the upload.

Keep in mind that artwork always replaces the current artwork immediately and is publicly accessible.


A video represents video or audio on the website. We use video as an umbrella term because Switch Tube is primarily a video platform.

List videos in a channel

You can fetch a list of editable videos from channels you may upload videos to:

GET /api/v1/channels/42/videos

If the request is successful you will receive a 200 OK response with a list of videos objects.

  {"id":84,"title":"Verteilugen", …},
  {"id":83,"title":"Stochastische Variablen", …}

If you are not allowed to upload videos to a channel you will receive a 404 Not Found response.

Full video list schema

Fetch video details

You can find all details for a specific video:

GET /api/v1/videos/84

If the request is successful you will receive a 200 OK response with a video object.

{"id":84,"title":"Verteilugen", …}

You should expect a 404 Not Found response when the channel does not exist or when you don’t have access to the channel or the video.

Full video schema

Update a video

To update video details you can send the same properties as when creating a video:

PATCH /api/v1/videos/83

{"title":"Stochastische Variablen", …}

Full video schema

If the request is successful you will receive a 200 OK response with an empty body.

You should expect a 404 Not Found response when the video does not exist or when you are not allowed to update it.

Delete a video

You can delete a video and all its associated content:

DELETE /api/v1/videos/83

If the request is successful you will receive a 200 OK response with an empty body. There is no way to recover a video once it was deleted, so be very careful.

You should expect a 404 Not Found response when the video does not exist or when you are not allowed to delete it.

Download original files

After a video was processed you may want to download the original. Note that every video may have multiple original files associated with it because videos can’t be replaced.

GET /api/v1/videos/83/files

If the request is successful you will receive a 200 OK response with a file list object.

  {"url":"https://…", "filename":"IMG_0297.MOV"},
  {"url":"https://…", "filename":"IMG_0430.MOV"}

The files should be ordered newest first, so generally you will want to download the first one. Note that the filename is optional and may be missing.

The URL in the payload is a presigned URL that will give temporary access to the original file on the storage servers.

You should expect a 404 Not Found response when the video does not exist or when you don’t have access to the video.

Full file list schema Full file schema


A poster is an image that is either an extracted frame from the original video or a file uploaded by a video producer. A video can have multiple posters associated with it.

One of these posters can be selected. Switch Tube will choose a current poster when no poster was selected. The current poster is shown on channel and video pages to represent the video.

List posters for a video

You can fetch all posters associated with a video.

GET /api/v1/video/42/posters


You can expect a 200 OK with a list of posters. When there are not posters yet, you may get an empty list.

Full poster list schema

Fetch current poster details

You can fetch details about the current poster for a video.

GET /api/v1/video/42/poster


If the request is successful you will get a 200 OK response with details about the poster.

You should expect a 404 Not Found response when the video does not exist or when you are not allowed to delete it.

See the section about paths on how to format a URL to the poster based on the path returned by this resource. Keep in mind that the path will only be valid for a limited time.

Add poster to a video

Uploading a poster works similar to adding media to a channel. You start by uploading a file and parsing their upload id from the Location header in the response.

Then you use the upload id and a video id to add the poster frame to the channel:

POST /api/v1/posters


When the request is successful you will receive a 201 Created response with the id of the created poster:


You can expect a 400 Bad Request with a warning label incomplete-upload when you attempt to create a poster before completing the upload.

Change the selected poster for a video

You can select an existing poster as the new selected poster by updating the video:

PATCH /api/v1/videos/83


For more details about updating a video resource, see above.

Remove poster from a video

You can delete an uploaded poster:

DELETE /api/v1/posters/67

If the request is successful you will receive a 200 OK response with an empty body. There is no way to recover a poster frame once it was deleted, so be very careful.


A video page can show documents related to the video, for example: slides, exercises, or images.

List documents uploaded for a video

You can get a list of all uploaded documents for a video:

GET /api/v1/videos/42/documents


You can expect a 200 OK with details about the poster.

You should expect a 404 Not Found response when the video does not exist or when you are not allowed to access it.

Full document list schema

Add document to a video

Uploading a document works similar to adding media to a channel. You start by uploading a file.

It is mandatory to set the filename metadata when creating the upload. A file upload without the filename metadata can not be used to create a document.

POST /files
Tus-Resumable: 1.0.0
Upload-Metadata: filename c2xpZGVzLnBwdHg=

Remember that all metadata values have to Base64 encoded.

After the upload you parse the upload id from the Location header as described above. Then you use the upload id and a video id to add the document to the video:

POST /api/v1/documents


Just like with other resources you will receive a 201 Created response with the id of the created document:


You can expect a 422 Unprocessable Entity with an error on the file attribute when the filename is not set on the upload or when the upload was not completed first.

Remove document from a video

You can delete a document:

DELETE /api/v1/documents/82

If the request is successful you will receive a 200 OK response with an empty body. There is no way to recover a document once it was deleted, so be very careful.


When you delete a channel or video they are not immediately removed from the system. Switch Tube keeps them invisible for a month and then removes them completely. During this time you can fetch them as trash entries.

GET /api/v1/trash
    "title":"Space is Awesome",

You can expect a 200 OK with details about the trash entries or and empty list when there are no entries.

Every trash entry has common properties which may differ from the regular channel and video objects.


You can restore trash entries to their state before they were deleted. Meaning, for example, that a draft video will be restored as a draft video. You can get the restoration path from the trash entry.

POST /api/v1/channels/1/restorations

You can expect a 200 OK when the item was successfully restored. You may get a 404 Not Found when you are not allowed to edit the referenced video, but this should not happen for trash entries returned from the trash endpoint unless they were restored by another process in the meantime.

Note that you cannot restore a single videos from a deleted channel because they would not have a channel to restore to. Instead you can restore the channel, copy the video to another channel, and then delete the channel again.


Profiles belong to organizations based on the home organization and entitlements properties on their AAI account. Organizations are usually a higher education institute in the context of Switch Tube.

Fetch organization details

You can fetch details about an organization:

GET /api/v1/organizations/4

  "name":"Université de Lausanne",

You can expect a 200 OK with details about the organization or a 404 Not Found when there is no organization with the supplied id.

Full organization schema


A profile may have an avatar, you request them as part of the profile resource as descibed above.

Full avatar schema

Upload a new avatar

Uploading an avatar works similar to adding media to a channel. You start by uploading a file.

POST /files
Tus-Resumable: 1.0.0

After the upload you parse the upload id from the Location header as described above. Then you use the upload id to create a new avatar for the authenticated profile:

POST /api/v1/avatars


Just like with other resources you will receive a 201 Created response but with a blank body. You can get details about the current avatar through the profile endpoint.

You can expect a 400 Bad Request with an error description when the upload wasn’t completed first.

Remove previously uploaded avatar

You can delete the current avatar:

DELETE /api/v1/avatars

If the request is successful you will receive a 200 OK response with an empty body. There is no way to recover an avatar once it was deleted, so be very careful.


Languages are expressed as an IETF BCP 47 language tag. Any two or three letter tag as well as subtags from the current IANA Language Subtag Registry are supported. You can fetch the languages object where every property is the tag for a known language and the value is the language name in English.

GET /api/v1/languages

  "fr-CH":"French (Switzerland)",
  "de-CH":"German (Switzerland)",
  "it-CH":"Italian (Switzerland)",

The languages resource does not have a schema because it’s much easier to describe as a nested object where the properties are also values.


Categories are separated in a main category and a sub category. When specifying a category you must choose a main category and optionally you may choose a sub category. When supplying the category you join the main category and subcategory with the / separator. Some examples of valid categories are:

You can fetch all possible values through the API. Currently we only have a list of categories in English, but we will supply translated versions in the future.

GET /api/v1/categories


If you want to make your implementation future-proof and you know you want a German version in the future you can add the language parameter to the request.

GET /api/v1/categories?language=de

The categories resource does not have a schema because it’s much easier to describe as a nested object where the properties are also values.

Notes on video upload processing

The video processing servers are a limited resource. Switch Tube attempts to share the capacity fairly across all its users. When you use the API to import large archives of videos you may run into the profile’s processing quota. The processing quota is dependent on how busy Switch Tube is. If you end up with a large queue of unprocessed video it will likely be finished during the night. Please contact Switch if you plan on importing large archives of video so our engineers will not be surprised.

Browsing Switch Tube

This section describes how you can browse Switch Tube using the API. Most of the objects returned by the endpoints in this section look a lot like the ones described earlier but are more focussed on presentation.


An endpoint that returns multiple items may return a subset of the entire collection of items for performance reasons. You can fetch the next ‘page’ of items using the URL in the Link header.

Link: <https://tube.switch.ch/api/v1/browse/channels?page=3>; rel="next"

You have reached the last page when there is no Link header or when the Link header does not include an item with rel="next".

If you attempt to construct the next page by manipulating the counter in the URL you may get a 404 Not Found responses.

List browsable channels

You can get a list of all browsable channels. A channel is browsable when it contains at least one video you are allowed to watch.

GET /api/v1/browse/channels

  {"id":"2bQTrXl8F8","name":"Metabolic Processes",…},

You may get an empty list when you’re not allowed to access any channels:


This endpoint uses pagination as explained earlier.

Full browsable channel list schema

Fetch browsable channel details

You can fetch details about a specific channel.

GET /api/v1/browse/channels/2bQTrXl8F8

{"id":ZR60vp2eAK","title":"ATP to ADP Conversion",…}

List browsable videos

You can get a list of all browsable videos in a channel.

GET /api/v1/browse/channels/2bQTrXl8F8/videos

This endpoint uses pagination as explained earlier.

Full browsable video list schema

Fetch browsable video details

You can fetch details about a specific video.

GET /api/v1/browse/videos/5qLzqcJVfv

Fetch video variants, audio variants, waveform, poster, and artwork

Every video may have video variants, a poster image, audio variants, or a waveform image. Which of these are present depends on the source and choices made by the video producer. You can all fetch them in a similar way.

GET /api/v1/browse/videos/5qLzqcJVfv/video_variants
GET /api/v1/browse/videos/5qLzqcJVfv/poster
GET /api/v1/browse/videos/5qLzqcJVfv/audio_variants
GET /api/v1/browse/videos/5qLzqcJVfv/waveform

Video variants are ordered on their quality level with the highest quality variant first.

A channel may have artwork.

GET /api/v1/browse/channels/2bQTrXl8F8/artwork

All these endpoints return either a list or a single asset object.
