Panel discussion - Teaching Computational Social Science: Where Do We Go from Here

Valerie Hase, Universität Zürich

8 September 2021, No video, No views, Open Channel

The panel discussion “Teaching Computational Social Science: Where Do We Go from Here?” (September 7th 2021, 4:00-5:30 pm CEST, virtual event) adresses two points of discussion:  

  1. Common challenges, experiences and questions when teaching CSS
  2. Changes and policies needed to establish CSS-related courses in institutions of higher education

It includes inputs from:

  • Emese Domahidi (Junior Professor for Computational Communication Science, TU Illmenau)
  • Cornelius Puschmann (Professor of Media and Communication, University of Bremen & Affiliate Researcher at the Leibniz Institute for Media Research)
  • Carsten Schwemmer (Interim Professor for Political Sociology, University of Bamberg & Computational Social Scientist at GESIS)
  • Stefanie Walter (Emmy Noether Research Group Leader, TU Munich)

Viewable by everyone.