8, My year of agile teaching

eduhub days 2021

16 February 2021, 10 views

Challenges and innovation I - Hybrid teaching and learning

February 9, 2021

Michael Mittag, FHNW

In 2020 I switched all my classes to agile. Shortly after that, COVID-19 struck and now I was doing agile classes in distance learning, both of which I had never done before. Fortunately, it turned out to be easy, so I started telling people about it and they started switching to agile methods as well, without any training and also without any problems to speak of.

This talk introduces you to agile methods such as eduScrum and it tells you what you need to look out for. Or rather, why you can stop worrying about most things once students are in charge of their learning and can simply tell you what they need in order to profit from your course.

Also, students will have more time to engage with the subject and each other, to focus on what works for them and to talk with you about how they profit from the course. All of this increases motivation and can provide better, more lasting learning experiences.

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