How can you focus on cultural immersion in an EFL classroom

FDEN2 LT1: Research Task

9 June 2019, Damiano Riner, 15 views

Abstract: How can you focus on cultural immersion in an EFL-classroom? Learning languages has changed a lot in the past few decades. There are strong opinions about one or another method of teaching a foreign language. The approach over culture and immersion though seems to unite many of the different opinions about language learn-ing. In my personal opinion, the immersive aspect of language learning is the most im-portant point to teaching English in Primary School. For that reason, I will go after the ques-tion of. “How can you focus on cultural immersion in an EFL (English as a foreign language) classroom?”. In the first part of the video I present my personal motivation for this subject and the research question. In the second part I will not only talk about cultural immersion but also linguistic immersion and present different approaches to the subject. In the final part of the video I will talk about the relevance for me and for my teaching as a teacher in training.

Damiano Riner

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