HT FHNW EIT: Analog and mixed-signal circuits and signal processing

Hanspeter Schmid, Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz

19 August 2016, 15 videos, 15252 views, Open Channel

This channel contains videos created for the modules signal processing (siv), basics of analog circuits (astGL), analog circuits (ast), and mixed-signal circuits (mxst) in the EIT curriculum of the FHNW School of Engineering, and analog signal processing and filtering (asf) at ETH Zürich.

Presently there is the finished “Signal-Flow Graphs in 12 Short Lessons” course (see also our paper on DP SFGs), and the begnning of “Hanspeter’s Tools of the Trade” series, in which I show some of the small things that make my working life easier. The latest video in that part is the relatively long demo of the tool signalflowgrapher that you can now download from .

There will be new videos from time to time (so check back), and I will also at some stage provide more exercises.

You can download the videos for your convenience, but please observe the copyright, and if you share them anywhere else, use the same creative commons license.

Viewable by everyone.