UniBE channels you can watch


7 September 2020, 6 videos, Open Channel

Videos für die Website des Departements für Chemie, Biochemie und Pharmazie (https://www.dcb.unibe.ch) der Universität Bern


19 August 2022, 4 videos


EI — Einführing in die Informatik

21 February 2021, 2 videos, Open Channel

This channel just contains the first two lectures by Oscar Nierstrasz.The PDF lecture slides can be found here: http://scg.unibe.ch/teaching/ei

Einführung in die Literaturwissenschaft

16 September 2020, 13 videos, Open Channel


28 March 2022, 20 videos, Open Channel

English Department Uni Bern

31 August 2020, 1 video

A place to upload and store videos that concern the English Department of the University of Bern.

Epidemiologie & Statistik - 1. Jk

22 April 2021, 3 videos, Open Channel

Epistemology of Climate Change

29 March 2021, No video, Open Channel

Talks in the research seminar of the SNF project 'The Epistemology of Climate Change' 

Eröffnung des Center for Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (CAIM)

16 March 2021, 14 videos

ESEH Sessions

14 August 2023, 4 videos, Open Channel

ESE — Introduction to Software Engineering (2021)

14 July 2021, 22 videos, Open Channel

NB: This course consists of a mix of pre-recorded lectures and live guest lectures.(The live lectures will be added afterwards.)See the course web page for details.

ESE: Introduction to Software Engineering (Einführung in SE)- 2020

19 August 2020, 26 videos, Open Channel

See the course web page for details.


28 May, 25 videos

EvaExam Scanstation

30 September 2022, 2 videos, Open Channel


18 May 2021, 2 videos

flashMOOCs – Interactive Educational Videos

1 April 2019, 3 videos, Open Channel

Hot topics, leading experts, and educational videos …… these are the key ingredients of the flashMOOCs. With this series of videos, the University of Bern is giving you an insight into interesting educational content on current scientific and social issues. Thanks to the interactive nature of the...


18 November 2022, 1 video, Open Channel

Im Rahmen dieses Projektes wird ein neues Konzept für die Kälberhaltung in Schweizer Mastbetrieben umgesetzt. Darin wird der Einfluss aller in früheren Studien identifizierter Risikofaktoren für einen erhöhten Antibiotikaeinsatz sowie erhöhte Krankheits- und Sterberaten eliminiert oder zumindest...

für Webseite

7 July 2016, 9 videos

Geographisches Institut

19 December 2017, 23 videos, Open Channel

Geographisches Institut Universität Bern

«Geschichte und ich»

15 August 2022, 5 videos, Open Channel

Absolvent*innen der Universität Bern erzählen von sich und ihrem Geschichtsstudium

GIS in Archaeology HS 2020

26 September 2020, 33 videos, Open Channel

Graduate School Climate Sciences

9 April 2021, 2 videos, Open Channel

This channel has videos with relation to the Graduate School Climate Sciences, e.g. for the website.

Graduate School Gender Studies

15 January 2020, 5 videos

Grants Office

2 October 2020, 2 videos

Videos from the Grants Office, Vice-Rectorate Research, University of Bern

Hydrological Atlas of Switzerland

5 February 2020, 10 videos, Open Channel

The «Hydrological Atlas of Switzerland» is the result of a collaborative effort by Swiss hydrologists and has provided basic hydrological information, specialist knowledge and didactic materials to a wide range of users for over 30 years. In addition to the initial map series with 63 printed...

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