7, Digital walkabout - A learning journey about connecting, randomising and reflecting

eduhub days 2021

23:27, 16 February 2021, 8 views

Challenges and innovation I - Hybrid teaching and learning

February 9, 2021

Mela Kocher, Charlotte Axelsson, Manuel Weibel, Renato Soldenhoff, ZHdK

We invite you to walk with us, to discuss with us and to find questions, like: What is the impact that new technologies have on higher education in the arts, or what does kissing have to do with digitality? At first, after an introduction from our side about the potential of hybrid, random and informal scenarios for the future of education, we will conduct the walkabout. Participants will experiment different scenarios in a group of two and walk together. For this session it is important to have a fully charged smartphone with headphones and be willing to move around even when it rains.

Technology-wise we will use Zoom and form breakout sessions. We (team E-Learning ZHdK) conducted a first version of this workshop during the ELIA conference in November 2020, and evaluated it as promising. 

Viewable by anyone with the link to the video. All rights reserved.