22, A guardian angel for the exam session

eduhub days 2021

52:20, 16 February 2021, 3 views

Challenges and innovation II - e-Assessment

February 10, 2021

Giorgia Mora, USI; Selene Gervasoni, SUPSI; Stefano Tardini, USI

During the spring semester 2020, USI – like all other Swiss universities – had to move all of its teaching activities online within a few days. From the beginning of the pandemic, USI has worked towards implementing and sharing the digital tools for remote class participation, while at the same time rethinking the design of the teaching experience and reducing the need of classroom attendance. The eLab (eLearning Lab) had a central role in handling this shift and the integration of digital technologies within teaching activities. It rapidly became a service of reference for both the academic body and students, by giving them advice about course planning and exam management.

During the presentation, we will share one of our best practices that brought a significant contribution in organisational terms and in keeping alive (as much as possible) the university community tissue and sense of collaboration and belonging that were strongly affected during the pandemic. USI’s priority has been to offer concrete guidance to teachers and students in educational terms. For this reason, to support the teachers in all the online examinations sessions, eLab has established the figure of the "eLab guardian angels". Each lecturer was assigned an eLab collaborator who had the task to assist their "protégé" in designing and managing online examinations. The eLab staff has also produced handbooks for students and teachers to enhance the quality of this unexpected online experience.  

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