15, DMLaw Tool

eduhub days 2021

38:13, 16 February 2021, 2 views

Challenges and innovation I - Tools

February 9, 2021

Anna Picco-Schwendener, Suzanna Marazza, USI

The web based DMLawTool guides researchers through the most relevant legal issues related to research data management.

Designed as a decision tree, it will guide you through three branches: 1) Data Protection, 2) Copyright for Users, and 3) Copyright for Authors.

"Lawly", the tool’s virtual assistant will ask you questions through an interactive chatbot and based on the given answers, address you to those branches of the tree that are relevant for your specific research. The tool will then guide you through the selected branches with straightforward and easily understandable explanations and suggest possible solution approaches at the end of each branch.

Even though the tool is mainly addressed to researchers, it can also be useful for teachers wishing to use research data such as interviews, video recordings, or images in a legally compliant way for their teaching activities. Furthermore, the tool can be used to teach students how to address legal aspects during their research activities.

The tool has been developed within the P-5 program of swissuniversities and its final version will be available openly and for free on the CCdigitallaw.ch platform by the end of March 2021.

Viewable by anyone with the link to the video. All rights reserved.