Mobile learning adoption strategies and mobile Moodle

Webinars 2015

1:03:38, Nathalie Roth, 30 April 2015, 71 views

Webinar by Ioana Gatzka, FHNW, April 30, 2015

In the last few years universities have shown big interest in mobile learning and have developed apps and courses suited for such an activity. Nevertheless, the overall adoption of mobile learning has been lagging. Some reasons are technological, others more of a didactical character. In developing a mobile learning adoption strategy the theory of planned behavior (Ajzen, 1991) has shown a path that can be taken which leads to good results. The studies conducted applying this theory regarding mobile learning readiness show that the main positive influences on mobile learning adoption are perceived self-efficacy, instructor readiness and perceived usefulness.

The development of the mobile Moodle app “moodchapp” at three Swiss universities that will be showcased in the webinar is following this path and might be also your first step in adopting mobile learning at your institution. It is developed under the GNU License Agreement.

Feel free to try out the app “moodchapp” available for iOS and Android.

This webinar presented by Ioana Gatzka, Department for Digital Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (, School of Teacher Education of the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW), is part of the “Appetit-Veranstaltung” series and is a cooperation between said Department and SWITCH.

Viewable by anyone with the link to the video. License defined in content.