18, Teaching and learning in a simultaneous bimodal (also called comodal or HyFlex) course

eduhub days 2021

56:08, 16 February 2021, 16 views

Challenges and innovation II - Hybrid teaching and learning

Oliver Schmid, Ambroise Bailifard, Henrietta Carbonel, UniDistance

During the pandemic, many Swiss universities switched to simultaneous bimodal teaching (classes were held with some students in physical presence and others online at the same time). UniDistance is currently carrying out a research project based on this experience with two objectives: to understand students' preferred mode of participation and the reasons behind their choices; and how to ensure quality learning through active participation of all students in such classes.

During the first 25 minutes, we will share the findings of the UniDistance study:

  • Presentation of three different technologies used to teach in such environments;
  • Survey findings on students' preferences for course participation (their preferred choices now and in the future, and the reasons for these choices);
  • Research findings on how to design simultaneous bimodal classes for active participation of all students.

Interactive part of the session (30 minutes):

  • Questions;
  • Breakout rooms to discuss experiences and scenarios to create an active learning experience for all students in a simultaneous bimodal teaching environment;
  • Summary of the discussions in the main room, wrap up.

Viewable by anyone with the link to the video. All rights reserved.