1 April 2020, No video, No views, English, Open Channel, Podcast RSS feed

This channel contains lectures in support of the following three EPFL Master-level courses I teach at EPFL:

  • Applied Machine Learning
  • Machine Learning Programming
  • Advanced Machine Learning

These videos are to be watched prior to coming to class. Please, check the class's website to know which video you should watch first. 

These videos are made available to the public, so that researchers world-wide can benefit from this material. This is meant especially for those who have to study from home, or those from countries with limited access to education.  

Beware that these videos are meant to be used in flipped classes. The video lectures are complemented with live interactive exercise sessions and practice sessions, given to EPFL students.

Enjoy and do not hesitate to send feedback: aude.billard@epfl.ch

Viewable by everyone.