Open Channels

Open Channels contain teaching, learning, and research videos intended to be freely used by everyone.

Bloxxgame 3

26 July, 1 video, Open Channel

Bloxxgame is an innovative educational simulation game designed to interactively teach blockchain and cryptocurrency concepts. It provides an open platform where educators can create customised learning scenarios. With Bloxxgame 3, users benefit from a completely new design and an intuitive...

UNIFR - Orchestre de la Ville et de l'Université de Fribourg (OVUF)

1 March, 5 videos, Open Channel

European Latin America Forum (ELAF)

30 May 2023, 6 videos, Open Channel

Das Europäische Lateinamerikaforum (ELAF), organisiert von der Fachhochschule Graubünden, connosco e.V. und der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, bietet eine Plattform, um die Diskussion über langfristige Themen in den Beziehungen zwischen Europa und Lateinamerika voranzutreiben. Das jährlich...

P-8 Digitale Lehre - Digitale Präsenz - Digitales Studium

25 July 2022, 2 videos, Open Channel

Kommunikation FHNW

18 May 2018, 14 videos, Open Channel

VPHI Webinar

11 February 2021, 49 videos, Open Channel

The VPHI webinar is a continuing education event organised with the aim of promoting exchange between researchers in the field of Veterinary Public Health (VPH). Topics covered include epidemiology, animal diseases, zoonoses, animal welfare and biostatistics. If you enjoy our webinars and would...

flashMOOCs – Interactive Educational Videos

1 April 2019, 3 videos, Open Channel

Hot topics, leading experts, and educational videos …… these are the key ingredients of the flashMOOCs. With this series of videos, the University of Bern is giving you an insight into interesting educational content on current scientific and social issues. Thanks to the interactive nature of the...


16 June 2020, 27 videos, Open Channel

Bibliothek FHNW

28 April 2020, 23 videos, Open Channel

UNIFR - Studies

7 October 2020, 29 videos, Open Channel

Letzi Remote

10 July, 7 videos, Open Channel

Digital Trust

10 July, 1 video, Open Channel

HEPIA - Optics and Image Processing Laboratory - Public

14 April 2020, 6 videos, Open Channel

This channel shows projects carried out in the optics and image processing laboratory, HEPIA (HES-SO Geneva).Contacts:, stephane.bourquin@hesge.chCompetence group:

Equipment Review for Hybrid Teaching

13 February 2023, 9 videos, Open Channel


24 January 2022, 9 videos, Open Channel

This channel maintains the videos created in the MAKEathon to provide impressions about the event.


30 November 2023, 2 videos, Open Channel


2 July, 1 video, Open Channel

Open Channel / Web Publish

18 September 2020, 45 videos, Open Channel

SCIMED - Geosciences - Turtle Evolution Symposium 2024

8 April, 35 videos, Open Channel

CAIM Policy Talks

25 March, 3 videos, Open Channel

The transition of digital technology into political discourse follows certain rules and is essential for how society embraces technological advancements and their implementation. CAIM dedicates a Policy Talks series on these processes in spring 2024.The series "AI, Healthcare and Policy" features...

bls LW 01 Heyer Jonathan

28 June, 1 video, Open Channel


24 June, 1 video, Open Channel


22 June, 1 video, Open Channel


20 June, 1 video, Open Channel

SWAT Spring 2024

20 February, 13 videos, Open Channel

SoftWare Architecture and Techniques Lectures SWAT Spring Semester HSLU 2024.You can find the slides and course material under Lectures. The slides are under Creative Commons License.

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